This research assesses understanding of the construction industry stakeholders on the
need and importance of supply chain management in all Bahir Dar public building
construction projects, construction stakeholders’ relationship in current public building
construction projects; identify barriers of supply chain management process in public
building construction projects. The study subjects are currently active public building
projects in Bahir Dar which are being administered by the city municipality office. The
main tools used for the collection of data included questionnaires and interview study as
they are used to identify the various efforts that have been made in the past and to
examine the challenges of supply chain management. Frequency analysis and mean value
are used to examine the results from the questionnaire and findings are presented in
charts and tables. The findings show that supply chain management collaboration in
construction is contributed to the construction industry to improve quality assurance,
increases profitability and benefit to the client. The study also indicates the main
challenges of supply chain collaboration in construction and the possible solution for
these challenges. Temporary nature of projects, late and incorrect payments and
inaccurate data and engineering drawings not fitting the use are indicated as the major
barriers for a successful supply chain management in construction. In the other hand the
study recommends that post project experience, developing electronic database or SCM
Model and adopting the other existing SCM MODELs are necessary solution of CSCM
barriers in the long run for successful CSCM.
Key words:supply chain, Construction supply chain management, stakeholders’