Maintenance is always necessary for any road to continue its serviceability and to prevent
deterioration that may shorten the service life. Gravel road maintenance in the South Wollo zone
suffers from many problems and complex issues including cost overrun, time overrun, quality
compromise, low productivity, and client dissatisfaction. This research attempted to identify and
investigate the main factors affecting the performance of gravel road maintenance in the South
Wollo zone. The significance of this study is to provide immediate benefits to road users,
believed to improve the awareness of clients and project experts and provide information to local
governments to adopt a well-planned program of gravelroad maintenance. The research design
was used both qualitative and quantitative approacheswhere the instruments to collect data were
desk Study, questionnaires, interviews, and site observation. A case study on selected projects
was made to check and identify the findings of survey analysis. All (Six) actively maintenance
gravel road sites which have a total length of 173.81km were taken as a representative sample.
For survey analysis, 54participants and case study 27 participants were purposely selected from
each contracting party. The collected 42 quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS version 25
software. The qualitative data were also analyzed through narration and contextual interpretation.
The results of the study showed that poor drainage management system, unexpected traffic
overload, and shortage of budget during construction of roads with a mean score of 4.50, 4.33,
and 4.26 respectively, were the main causes of road deterioration. Poor contractors‟ resource
management system, inadequate budget allocation for maintenance, and politicians‟ influence
with a mean score of 4.33, 4.31, and 4.30, respectively, were the most critical factors affecting
the performance of the gravel road maintenance. Moreover, the study shows that the effects of
poor gravel road maintenance were increased transport costs of road users and increases vehicle
operating and road maintenance cost with a mean score of 4.28 and 4.27. The study concluded
that gravel road maintenance did not complete withinthe planned budget, schedule, and quality.
It recommends that there is a need to provide proper drainage elements and more funding should
be given to the road's maintenance. Road interventions should be applied to reduce further
deterioration of roads. In general, contractors should responsible for controlling and managing
resources and roads during maintenance and also, the clients‟/government/ and consultants shall
take more responsibility to avoid the possible occurr ences of delay and cost overrun by properly
defining the scope of the maintenance works.
Keywords:gravel road, performance, factors affecting maintenance, South Wollo