Occupational Safety and Health hazard identification in leather factories in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Show simple item record FILIPOS, KEBEDE 2022-02-24T07:56:15Z 2022-02-24T07:56:15Z 2021-09
dc.description.abstract Four industries were selected from tanneries in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia which have the characteristics to show the Occupational Health and Safety conditions of the leather factories in Addis Ababa. The primary and secondary data was collected through field notes, questionnaires, observation via pre-determined checklist, analysis of documents and discussion with focal person. Instruments also used to assess workplace hazards (Dust concentration, lung functional test, light intensity, noise level and heat stress measurement). The target respondents for the collection of data for the research were the workers who are expected to be exposed to the hazardous working condition in the selected tanneries. The researcher adopted both stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The total sample for this study was 310 employees in the selected four leather factories. The data collected was examined by using descriptive statistics. The key objectives of the study were to identify Occupational Safety and Health hazards of tannery sectors and recommend practicable preventive measures. The study found that there were different issues, which create hurdle to achieve an effective Occupational Safety and Health system in leather factories. The outcome of the study is in growing toll of work associated accidents and diseases. With the help of measuring instruments the researcher examined the aspects including general workplace facilities, health care facilities and hazards control measure. The results showed that the facilities relating to Occupational Safety and Health were not fully available in all the selected tanneries. The researcher observed that both employer and employees are not aware about Occupational Safety and Health practices. At management level the occupational health and safety awareness was not high. All of the industries had not competent personals that carr y out the Occupational Safety and Health responsibilities. The majority of the factories did not recognize the significance benefits of Occupational Safety and Health policy. The employees in these industries faced respiratory problem, skin allergies, hearing loss, headaches, and muscular disorder in their workplace. It is known that many diseases and accidents on workers ranging from minor inconvenience to major consequences are a result of poor working environment. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.title Occupational Safety and Health hazard identification in leather factories in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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