dc.description.abstract |
Bole Lemi industrial park is one of the industrial parks located in Addis Ababa near to Goro
with an area of 155 hectares. It has 20 manufacturing sheds. 18 sheds produce garments like
jeans, gloves and underwear. The rest produces shoes. Those factories produce jeans clothes
are four in number and has laundries. The laundries discharge 1500m
/day of wastewater. So
to treat the wastewater, it has common effluent treatment plant (CETP).
The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of the CETP and optimize the
treatment plant for better effluent quality. Laboratory analysis was used as a main source to
examine the behaviour of the existing treat ment plant. Then effluent quality generated from
the CETP was assessed to inspect the impact after disposal.
The performance evaluation of the CETP and data analysis was done using SPSS and
Microsoft Excel. The optimization of the CETP was performed using Hydromantis GPS-X
7.0 Software to improve the quality of the effluent discharged.
The laboratory results showed that COD, BOD5, TKN and NH3-N values were within the
range according to Environmental Standards for Industrial Pollution Control in Ethiopia. But,
pH and TSS were not within the range. Therefore, the CETP is performing well except pH
and TSS.
The efficiency of the treatment plant was around 57.7% for TSS, 65.2% for VSS, 81.2% for
COD, 87.4% for BOD5, 38.3% for TKN and 14.7% for NH3-N.
The optimization of the treatment plant was addressed on the improvement of the effluent
quality. The optimization was done using GPS -X 7.0 software. It was done without dosing
lime. Then, t he TSS was improved from 98.2mg/l to 18.98mg/l, the COD changed fr om 78.6
to 62.76, BOD5 from 25mg/l to 23.69mg/l and TKN improved from 20mgN/l to 18.51mgN/l.
So, it gave a big improvement on TSS, COD, BOD5 and TKN. |
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