dc.description.abstract |
This experiment was conducted at koga irrigation, Mecha district under an irrigation condition to evaluate the effect of sowing date and intercropping alfalfa-Mulato-II grass on the morphological characteristics, yield, and chemical composition of the forage. The experiment was conducted 3x3 factorial arrangement within randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications and a combination of three levels of sowing date (February 10th, 20th, and 30th) and three-level of intercropping(sole alfalfa, alfalfa-Mulato-II grass, sole Mulato-II grass). The root split Mulato-II grass and seed for alfalfa were sown based on the recommended seed rate. All morphological data such as plant height (PH), tiller number (NT), leaf length (LL), root number of root (NR), root length (RL), leaf to stem ratio (LSR),number of the leaf (NL),dry matter yield (DMY)and for chemical composition analysis, samples were collected within the middle two rows taking ten plants from each plot. About 500g of forage samples were taken for forage chemical analysis (CP, Ash, OM, DM, ADF, NDF, and ADL) were done using standard methods. All the collected morphological, yield and chemical composition data were subject to GLM ANOVA procedures of SAS version 9.0. The result shows that the interaction between sowing date and intercropping of alfalfa with Mulato-II grass had a significant effect (P<0.001) on plant characteristics, biomass yield, and chemical composition of Mulato-II grass. The highest plant morphological characters such as PH, TN, NL, LL, NR, RL, and LSR (0.71m, 91.2, 533.3, 0.20, 95.54, 0.1183, and 1.34) was recorded from February 10th intercropped Mulato-II grass respectively. As the sowing date increase from February 10th to 30th the morphological characteristics of Mulato-II grass decreased. Intercropping of alfalfa with Mulato-II grass significantly (P<0.001) produced a higher DMY than sole Mulato-II grass excluding February30th intercropped Mulato-II grass. The highest DM%, CP%, CPY%, NDF%, ADF%, ADL%, and Ash% content (91.33%, 17.3%, 3.63%, 81.8%, 54.22%, 14.14%, and 15.71%) respectively obtained from February 10th intercropped Mulato-II grass. Their for intercropped Mulato-II grass at the sowing date February 10th are recommended for livestock producers and farm demonstration than the other treatments of the study area. It is important to conduct further studies with different harvesting dates and tested in animal feed trials. |
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