dc.description.abstract |
This study examined the quality of youth volleyball and its contributions for developing
elite players in Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples region (SNNPR) Ethiopia, the
study collected concrete evidence from wider stakeholder groups, including youth
volleyball trainees, coaching staff and instructors, at various levels. The study involved
under 17 youth volleyball players found in ten different youth volleyball training centers
in SNNPR. Using stratified sampling, the researcher selected a proportional sample of n
= 220 youth volleyball players in both sexes in filling out a survey questionnaire. 20
coaches and five key informants selected via purposive sampling to take part in the study.
Using concurrent mixed methods triangulation design, qualitative data gathering tools
interview and quantitative data gathering tool questionnaire were used to collect data from
trainees and coaches. The collected data analyzed using SPSS version 23. Hence,
independent sample t-test, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple
linear regressions are employed to analyze quantitative data. Besides, thematic analysis
inductive approach was used to analyze qualitative data. The researcher found the overall
mean value of the quality of youth volleyball around average M= 2.86. Likewise, the overall
mean values of independent variables score found around the average (M = 2.95). The
results of regression analysis showed that the process variables together predicted each of
the quality outcome, accounting for the variance 4.2% ≤ R2 ≥ 40.8%. The quantitative
results along with qualitative findings depicted that quality of youth volleyball and its
contribution for developing elite payers in SNNPR, Ethiopia is low. Hence, restructuring
youth volleyball scheme is instrumental to better ensure quality and positive elite players’
development outcomes. |
en_US |