Urban transportation system is affected by life leisure, education, business and enabling
people to access jobs and services, employers to access labor markets and businesses to reach the customers for their services. Traffic congestion one of the major threat in the cities economic growth by restraining the commuters‟ mobility especially at peak hours and extreme events. In this study, attempts are done to evaluate resilience level of the selected links by taking major road segment with considerable evaluation of road network resilience for urban road traffic flow in Bahir Dar City in presence of dynamic disruptions. Furthermore, to capture simulation of dynamic road traffic assignment on road network topology, determine road disruption level. In addition, rank road line criticality to the operation of the whole road network and evaluate the performance of road segments in city. In the field measurements of traffic flow, average travel speed and others were taken. Python programming language (van Rossum, 2012) used to generate the network and to compute the topological performance of the network and simulated networks by matlab Simulink with capacity-disruption level. The known and best purely topological metrics that was based on Betweenness-Centrality (BC) and it was make simulations to get the shortest path or the least travelling cost or the least travelling time. The results show that, the link, which has the least travelling time and have low contribution to the link vulnerability indicator and at most sites the overall vulnerability indicators showed a good correlation with variation for both supply and demand. The indication of traffic congestion in form of V/C greater than one shows poorly performance of the road networks. Based on the V/C condition site D, F and A were very poor performance road networks than others. The total delay, the total recovery and total resistance time at disrupted periods on the selected road and Link Performance Indicator for Resilience (LPIR) applied to any road section to give an indication of the relative resilience of that road section compared to other road sections. (LPIR), Results shows values vary between 0.5-2.5, most of links performed less resilience levels. Therefore, the road section, which scores the highest values of LPIR which are acceptable form of road sections that have given the highest concerned road section than other the road sections.