This study assessed the construction waste management approaches in higher educational institutions of Ethiopia by particularly focusing on Bahir Dar University. The study adapted a descriptive and explanatory design and a quantitative and qualitative approach and hence, an effort was exerted to estimate the amount of materials waste analytically and site observations were undertaken to understand the problem very well. The variables were ranked in their order of importance based on the response of the client, consultants and contractors using relative importance scale and were compared using spearman correlation coefficient. The desk study unveiled that reinforcement bar and glazing were the most and the least wasted materials respectively for Bair Dar University projects. In addition to this, Bahir Dar University signed a construction agreement with a price of Br. 1,714,168,874.1 The amount of waste is estimated to be Br. 31,000,203.53 which is 1.8 1% of the total contract price. This amount of money constitutes wastage that happened due to design problem in Bahir Dar University construction sites To alleviate such problem, practicing highly off-site construction by adopting different technologies like prefabrication and precast units, proper detailing during designing, coordinating dimensions between materials and the design, and planning ahead to minimize design changes are sensible mechanisms. In addition to this, stakeholders should make sure the quality of materials delivered on the site is as stated in the specification and related to this, construction supervisors and contractors on the site should start refusing to accept substandard material