dc.description.abstract |
The study was conducted with the objectives of estimating the contribution of improved
forages as feed source and identifying the major constraints and opportunities in the
production and utilization in Enebsie Sar Midr District, Amhara Region. Data were collected
from sampled respondents using single-visit-multiple-subject-formal survey with semi-
structured questionnaires. A total of 180 households (HHs); of which 30 HHs in each of the
six randomly selected kebeles were selected randomly. Key informants were also used for
explanation and verification in the study. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, one-way
ANOVA and least significance difference were carried out using SPSS version 15. The
average livestock holding per HH in the district was 2.90 tropical livestock unit (TLU). Mean
annual total dry matter (DM) feed supply per HH was 4.30 ton DM Of the total DM
produced; 59.30% is contributed from crop-residues, 16.98% from communal grazing,
12.56% from stubble grazing, 4.65% from hay, 3.02% from shrub land and 2.80% from
improved forage crops. The mean annual maintenance feed requirement was estimated to be
6.63 ton DM per HH The existing feed supply can satisfy about 64.86% of the maintenance
DM requirement of livestock though it significantly varied (p<0. 05) between the three agroecologies.
The total annual ton DM feed produced per HH from improved forage crops was
0.12 ton DM and there was significant (p<0.05) difference between the mid and low altitude
agro-ecologies. Sesbania sesban (Sesbania), Vicia dasycarpa (vetch), Chamaecytisus
palmensis (tree Lucerne), Avena sativa (oats), and Pennisetum purpureum (elephant grass)
are developed mainly with the purpose of soil and water conservation (34.55%) and feed
(30.63%). Land shortage (31.14%), free grazing (30.58%), input shortage (23.99%), poor
extension service (7. 76%), attitude (3.50%) and skill gap (3.04) were limiting factors for the
production and utilization of improved forages. The increasing demands of animal products,
the existence of marginal lands, decreasing of free grazing in the district and the need to
intensify agriculture and the attention given to the livestock sector at regional and national
levels can be opportunities. However, improved forages crops showed better contribution,
livestock is highly constrained from getting year round feed supply and the major feed
resources are characterized by poor quality. Research on economical impact assessment
between adopters and non adopters and on-farm evaluation on palatability, productivity,
adaptability etc. of different improved forages with participation of farmers might be very
important. Moreover, forage seed/seedling production at farmers' level/farmers cooperatives,
community based implementation of free grazing policy and use efficiently the available
marginal lands can be development interventions for the technology in the study area. |
en_US |