The purpose of this study was to unearth the defining features of the Nile and Senegal basins in
the comparative study. Thus, this study examines the cooperation and conflict of Nile and
Senegal River basin riparian states and seeks to answer the main causes of Nile basin conflict
and assessed the lesson that can be drawn from the Senegal basin. For achieving the objectives
of this study, the researcher has collected primary data through interviewing government
officials, water scholars, and databases. The primary data is also further strengthened by the
secondary data. This data is analyzed through descriptive approaches. The finding of this
research reveals that the Nile is found lacking effective governance structures while the
Senegal River is characterized by the existence of an established and agreed water regime.
Hence, unilateralism has created tension between the downstream and the upstream riparian
states in the Nile whereas cooperative engagement in the Senegal basin leads towards broader
cooperation in the Basin. The Senegal River Basin states have been practicing cooperative
agreements that provide no room for unilateral development projects. Therefore, the study
drew lessons from the Senegal River Basin to the Nile River Basin riparian countries. This
based on based on the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization of water resource as
stipulated in the 1997 UN watercourse convention with due focus on sectoral water allocation.
Key words: Nile, Senegal, Hydro politics, Water Governance, Treaty, Regime, and