dc.description.abstract |
The si udv was conducted infour Woredas of South Gondar zone of the Amhara National Regional State
which represent highland and mid altitude agro-ecology of the zone. The objectives of the study were to
identify the types ofavailablefeed resources, to determine the quantity of feeds, to characterize the /ivestock
production systems and to identify the major constraints of livestock production. Two hundred ten
rural households lllere selected from both agro ecologies and interviewed with semi- structured
questionnaires A singl e-visit-multiple-subject survey was carried out. The quantity offeed DJv! front
different sources was estimated using FA 0 (1987) established conversion factor, measurements, weighing
and interviewing the respondents. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS soft ware (16.0). The
livestock production systems identified in the study area is rural smallholder mixed crop-livestock (96 %),
sntoll-sculc peri-urban (2.6 %) and urban (1.</%). The types of livestock feeds available in the area are
cTUI' residues, natural pasture, hay, crop aftermath, indigenous fodder trees, agro-industrial by-products
ani] improved forage crops and pasture which vary in seasons. The mean utilizable DM yield of crop
residues IlIere 5.68, 5.87. 6.33 and 6.05 tones pl!r household for Lay Gayint, Farta, East Estie and Dera
woredas, respectively. Significantly higher (P< 0.05) crop residues were produced in East Estie and Dera
woredas of mid-altitude agro-ecologies than Lay Gaying and Farta woredas of the highland area. The
contribution ofcrop residues to the total feed DM was 62.03%. The mean utilizable DM yield of natural
post ure from East Estie and Dera Woredas 1I'0el 1.-13 and 1.24 tones per household respectively which
II'Lls "ignijiculltly higher (P<{) (5) than Lay Gayint and Farta woredas. Whereas. [he DM yield from
shrub land in Lay Gayint and Farta woredas was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that ofEast Estie
and DI!/'u. The mean contribution of agro-industrial by products was only 0.07% of the total DM
availability. The al'l!rage livestock population per household in the study area was 5.9 TLU and the
avcrag« annual utilizable DM feed supply per household was 9.69TDJvf However. the annual
maintenance J)M requirement was estimated 10 he 13.45 TDM Hence the existing feed supply can satisfy
abou! 7.? % 0/ the maintenance DM requirement of livestock per household. Ilowever, the annual feed
.\'1!/)fJ~V great/)! varied between the two agro-ecolcgies that accounted/or about 67. 94% and 76.03% ofthe
maintenance D/v1 requirement 0/ livestock in highland and mid altitude agro-ecologies, respectively.
Major constraints that hindered the development oflivestock production were insufficient feed. animal
health problem. poor genetic potential, lack 0/ working capital, limited extension services and market
pro hie Ill. ill order of Importance. It can be concluded that livestock production could be one potential
strategy to improve the income of the farming community. So this study indicates that a great effort
should he undertaken by the jClrllling community, office of agriculture. research centers and other
.\~lill!rnlllel7/al and nOI1governmental organizations involved in livestock development that will be require
ill improving the quality and quantity offeed resources, genetic potential and animal health problem in
order to exploit the potential of livestock resources in the study area. Moreover, detail research work on
nutrient composition and digestibility ofthe major available feed resources are recommended/or further
work. |
en_US |