The thesis tries to reconstruct the socio-economic and political history of Kersa Malima Woreda
of South Western Shewa zone, focusing on the period between 1935 and 1991. It mainly depends
on the critical of archival sources, written sources and oral information. The traditional socio
economic and political system of government in Kersa Malima Woreda before the expansion of
Emperor Menilek II to Shewa replaced by a new system of imperial Ethiopia regime. Especially,
the land distribution and the subsequent institutionalization of the naftagna-gabar system in the
area completely changed the local people's traditional way of life. The socio-economic and
administrative changes made by the imperial government in the post 1941 period resulted in less
improvement in the life of most of the local people of the Woreda. The economic exploitation and
socio-cultural suppressions continued until 19 7 4. The administrative injustice in the Woreda also
continued unabated throughout the imperial period. This was worsened by the reluctance of
local governors to implement the rules and regulations of central government properly in the
area. Opposing this, the local people made successive petitions to the higher administrations;
sometimes up to the Ministerial offices but such petitions often bore no result. The 197 4
revolution and its subsequent administrative and economic reforms were accepted with
jubilation by most of the local people of the district in the early periodsof the revolution as it
pr.,.ded them the right over the possession of land and freed from economic exploitation and
socio-cultural suppression. However, later they developed hatred against the Derg due to the
introduction of some unpopular policies and measures by force .