esearchers have not yet properly studied the history of Tarmaber woreda. Nevertheless, the
purpose of this study is to conduct a research on the history of the woreda. It is designed to fill
or bridge the existing gap in literature by investigating the historical development of the woreda
based on the political, social, and economical aspect. This study is a historical survey of
Tarmaber woreda since 1941 -- 1991. The year 1941 is taken as a springboard in which the
Italian occupation (1936 -- 1941) had socially more significant for the foundation of Debresina
as the ci'nter ofTarmaber woreda. The end of the Italian occupation (1941). wasfollowed by the
restoration ofEmperor Haile Sellasie I to power hence established a strong centralization power
in the country. Generally, this study deals with the reconstruction of the socio - economic and
politica\jj,istory of Tarm.,aber woreda concentrating between 1941 and 1991. It mainly focused
on the economic, social and political administrative changes during the period of Emperor Haile
Sellasie, the Derg and the current regimes. Based on the accumulation of national archive, oral
and written sources, the whole events that occurred in the woreda have been discussed properly.
Therefore, various knowledgeable informants were systematically interviewed in 13 qebele ofthe
woreda. Based on the methods of historical investlgation all data gatheredfrom informants were
critically analyzed and interpreted. The political and socio - economical system of Tarmaber
woreda particularly the city called Debresina was automatically changed after the occupation of
Italy in 1936. The restoration of the Emperor Haile Sellasie I (1941) and the rise ofDerg regime
:; .1 (197 4) brought a new system of improvement in the life of most of the local people of the district,
despite so many negative impacts. This study on the highland - lowland transition zone of
Tarmaber woreda ·;;/north Shewa zone has investigated the natural or environmental influence
and cause of the degradation in the study are