The purpose of the study was to examine the perceived influence of principals' leadership role,
school culture and learners' learning behavior on students' academic achievement in eastern
zone of Tigray secondary schools. To attain the purpose, five research questions raised related
to the topic. Descriptive research was the design used to approach the study. Twenty-two out of
28 secondary schools in the zone were included in the study as a target population based on
certain criteria. From these schools all the principals (22) were taken using comprehensive
sampling and 351 (30%) of teachers were selected using proportional random sampling.
Questionnaire was used to collect data from principals and teachers. The data collected were
analyzed using multiple regression, and correlation. Percentage was employed to represent
bac'kground information of respondents. Schools' performance by national examination results
of grade ten students and analyze the trends of performance in the last three consecutive years. A
line graph was also employed to see national examination change trends of grade ten in the last
three consecutive years. The finding of the study showed that principals school leadership role
that is instructional leadership role has a positive correlation with students academic
achievement which is (r =0.229, p<0.05). On the other hand, school culture and learners
lea~ing behavior hnve significant and positive correlation with students' academic achievement
(r= 0.214, p<0.05 and r=0.149, p<0.01) respectively and the study found that there is a
significant and positive regression weight to students' academic achievements. In contrast, the
study found that principal 's administrative role has negative correlation (r=-0. 002) with
students' academic achievement and negative regression weight to students' academic
achievement. The study concluded that, principals' instructional leadership role, school culture
and learners learning behavior have positive and significance correlation to students' academic
achievement. In essence, when principals' works hard and highly focused on instructional
leadership and academic oriented tasks, students' achievement and performance also becomes
high and when school culture is safe for teaching and learning students academic performance
also becomes better.