The Relationship among Leadership Styles, Leadership Effectiveness and Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Tvet) Colleges in Afar Region.

Show simple item record Yasin Kadir 2021-06-25T08:12:02Z 2021-06-25T08:12:02Z Jun-16
dc.description.abstract The role of deans and teachers are critical specifically in students' achievement and success of a given educational institution in general. The main purposes of this study was to examine the relationship between leadership styles, leadership effectiveness of the deans and from the teachers' job satisfaction in the technical and vocational education and training colleges in afar region. The conceptual framework of our study is thus, leadership styles of deans are directly related with the leadership effectiveness of the deans and this factor in turn is positively related with teachers' job satisfaction. The leadership styles are also directly related with teachers' job satisfaction without any bridge. Here the independent variables were the leadership styles while dependents were the subscales of leadership effective and the teachers' job satisfaction. Our research questions were thus to answer the extent of each variable in the colleges and find the relationship of the variables. In regard to this, important literatures ware reviewed. Comprehensive sampling technique was employed to collect data from three Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges in the region. A total of 121 questionnaires were distributed to all available teachers and deans directly. All those distributed were returned with only few incomplete ones. The questionnaires composed of three instruments namely: demagraphic questions, MLQ 5x constituting questions related to leadership styles and leadership outcomes (effectiveness), and TJSS (teachers' job satisfaction scale) portions. Means and standard deviations were calculated; one sample t-test and correlation analysis was employed. Our Findings indi~ed that the deans display transformational leadership style lower than what is recommended by universal MLQ while "the transactional and laissez-faire leadership style are displayed more -than the recommended. The leadership outcomes are also revealed ineffective. The teachers generally perceived to have little satisfaction in their job. The relationships among the three variable factors were positive and significant. Finally, it was recommended based on the findings that the deans need to get successive trainings on transformational leadership and the concerned bodies have to deal with and search for more problems related to teacher job satisfaction. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.subject Educational Leadership en_US
dc.title The Relationship among Leadership Styles, Leadership Effectiveness and Teachers' Job Satisfaction in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Tvet) Colleges in Afar Region. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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