The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of principals'
leadership role in the implementation of SIP and to suggest possible solution so as to
alleviate hindering factors that affect principal leadership role in secondary and
preparatory school of East Gojjam Zone. To achieve this objective, a descriptive survey
design was employed. Questionnaires with open ended and closed-ended items were
distributed. The questionnaire was distributed to 287 participants but only 272 were
collected back. Interview was conducted for 8 supervisors and 8 principals. Document
analysis were also employed to collect data for the study. The collected data were
analyzed by using both qualitative and quantitative method of data analysis. One sample
t-test was used for analyzing the status of principal leadership practice in the
implementation of SIP. Interview, document analysis, and open-ended questionnaire data
-were analyzed qualitatively using narration and direct quotation. By doing so, the result
of this study revealed that school principals did not work with stakeholders as expected,
-ey did not facilitate experience sharing within the school and scaling up of best
practice to enhance professional development of teachers, they did not have sufficient
skill and commitment to implement the SIP domains effectively. Moreover, the result of
the study indicated that teachers, communities and other stakeholders were not initiated
to work cooperatively among their colleagues and peers to exercise school improving
duties and responsibilities, environmental challenge like insufficient resources and other
facilities were major challenges affecting school principal leadership roles in the
preparation and the implementation of SIP. Therefore, school principal leadership roles
in the implementation of SIP were not effective. Based on the findings recommendations
have been for warded. Wared education Offices in collaboration with Zone Education
Offices and Regional Education Bureau should give sustainable technical assistance
including training for school principal. They also provide financial and material supports
in a better way. Moreover, school principals should have sufficient skill and commitment
to plan and implement the SIP domains effectively.