Adoption of Improved Dairy Production Technology Package Components, in Bahir Dar Zuria District, Northwest of Ethiopia

Show simple item record Gedefaw Mulaw 2021-06-17T13:00:17Z 2021-06-17T13:00:17Z 2021-06-17
dc.description.abstract Ethiopian dairy production sub-sector is one of the most important sources of income for rural farm households. The country’s dairy production sub-sector is characterized by low production, productivity, and faced by many constraints. To bring an improvement on the dairy production sub-sector, dairy production technologies introduction was conducted. However, most farmers are not users of the technology due to many factors including economic, institutional and demographic factors. Therefore, this study is designed and planned to be with aim of identifying the determinants of dairy production technologies adoption. In this regard, adoption decision and, intensity of adoption determinants and the major constraints of dairy production were examined. For this study, data were collected from 195 sample respondents’ selected randomly using three stage sampling technique. Among which 39% were adopters and 61% were non-adopters. For further analysis, double hurdle model and Garret’s ranking technique were employed to analyze adoption determinants. In addition the major constraints of dairy production were prioritized. The result of the study revealed that, shortage of land, poor genetic potential of indigenous cattle and high cost of improved feed were the major constraints of dairy production in the study area. The double hurdle model analysis results suggested that, land size, education status, annual income, and frequency of extension contact significantly increased the probability of adoption of improved dairy production technology package components. Contrary to this, market distance reduced the probability of adopting improved dairy production technology package components. Regarding adoption intensity measured using adoption index, credit utilization, access to artificial insemination service, and access to cross breed cows had positively influenced the intensity of adoption. Whereas, livestock size, and market distance were influenced negatively the intensity of adoption. Adoption of improved dairy technology is low due to the above identified factors. So, to bring an improvement on dairy production sector, the ministry of agriculture, the livestock sector under the ministry, and other concerned stakeholders should work hard to bring improvement through technology based interventions. Key words: Adoption, adoption intensity, Determinants, Double-Hurdl en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Rural Development and Agricultural Extension en_US
dc.title Adoption of Improved Dairy Production Technology Package Components, in Bahir Dar Zuria District, Northwest of Ethiopia en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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