This study on the socio-economic history of Qolla Däga Damot Awrajja, 1974 to 1991 is
basically aimed to elucidate the basic socio-economic patterns of the awrajja during the time of
Därg. The occurrence of opposite reactions; happiness versus opposition on the 1974 revolution
is underlined here. The 1975 land reform declaration was also one of the basic reforms
undertaken by the Därg to won the support of the peasantry. Though majority of the peasants
gave plenary support for this reform, the privileged section of the former system strongly resisted
such reform as the threat of their privilege and even survival. In addition Därg tremendously
worked to install socialist socio-economic patterns like cooperatives, state farm, villagization
and the so on. 74 service and 127 producer cooperatives were established in Qolla Däga Damot
to tie the peasants together economically and socially. Ber State Farm was another ingredient
that enabled Därg to exploit the agricultural potential of the awrajja by using mechanized
farming. Besides in the social arena literacy campaign, villagization and resettlement were the
other most significant ingredient of socialist Därg. In bringing with well-justified, coherent and
reliable historical memo on the theme understudy, both primary and secondary sources were
properly utilized as far as possible. The primary sources used for this study include both
informants and archival sources such as letters, minutes of meetings, proclamations and reports.
Scholarly works such as books, articles of academic journals, senior essays, theses and
dissertations are basic secondary sources which can be part of this study. The available sources
are checked and rechecked as far as possible to avoid illusions on the study points. Needless to
say, the negative impact of Covid-19 in the course of collecting data was considerabl