The purpose of this research was to assess the practice of CPD in Secondary Schools of Angot Woreda in
North Wollo Zone. The research tried to find out the status of school based CPD, Challenges that affect
the implementation of CPD and stakeholders’ support & follow up the activities on CPD implementation.
Descriptive survey design was employed to to answer the basic research questions. The survey sample
consisted of two General secondary schools, four school leaders, two CPD facilitators/coordinators & 104
teachers. These groups of samples were selected by using purposive sampling technique for two
secondary schools, four school leaders, two CPD facilitators/coordinators and simple random sampling
technique for 104 teachers. Data collection instruments like questionnaire, interview & document analysis
were used.
Both the qualitative and quantitative methods which are convenient for social science research were used
in this study. To analyze the data collected through questionnaire, mean and standard deviation were
The findings of the study indicated that the status of teacher’s practices on professional development
activities such as mentoring, portfolio development, conducting action researches, facilitating group
discussions and peer observations, and evaluating the overall successes and failures of the implementation
processes were inadequate. The major challenges identified were, lack of training manuals, irrelevance
and un clarity of the available training manuals, lack of trained facilitators, insufficiency of supports
provided for teachers growth, insufficient allocation of budget, and school systems were not in the way
that can satisfy the training needs of teachers. To overcome the challenges encountered, recommendations
have been forwarded. These include: orienting teachers in advance with the overall contents of the
professional growth, motivating teachers to willingly take more responsibilities in the implementation
process, employing trained facilitators and supervisors, and allocation of sufficient resources to
effectively achieve the intended goals.