The Effect of Procurment Planning on Public Procurment Performance in Amahara Region

Show simple item record Simachew Yalew 2021-03-05T06:22:06Z 2021-03-05T06:22:06Z 2021-03
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of procurement planning on public procurement performance in Amhara region, Ethiopia. Procurement without procurement plan has its own negative impact on the effective procurement performance. Due to this, it leads to use uneconomical method of procurement, untimely delivery of goods, services and work. Descriptive research design was used in executing the study. The targeted group of the study was procurement officers, bureau heads and user’s department employees. These were the entire group of interest for study consisting 162 employees. Accordingly, the sampling technique was purposive sampling and probability sampling. Primary data was collected using questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential data analysis methods were used. All respondents filled in and returned the questionnaire, making the response rate 100%. The collected data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics using the statistical package for social scientist (SPSS) 20. The study found that performance of public procurement in ANRS bureaus is influenced by procurement transparency, procurement need assessment, staff competency, top management support and government rule and regulation. The study also found that all independent variables were positively correlated with public procurement performance. The study recommends that procurement information is transparent, need assessment is clearly defined and procurement staff should conducted adequately trained. Further recommended that top management support within ANRS bureaus should conducted to all the team leaders and the enforcement of procurement rules and regulations in order to improve compliance. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title The Effect of Procurment Planning on Public Procurment Performance in Amahara Region en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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