Leadership styles of coaches and players’ motivation in sports have an effect on the performance
and satisfaction of athletes. Hence, this study investigated the relation between leadership style
of volleyball coaches and players’ motivation, performance and satisfaction. To meet the
purpose of the study mixed method approach was employed. Participants were selected using
comprehensive sampling method so that all volleyball players in the eight premier league teams,
coaches, assistant coaches and key informant from the Ethiopian volleyball federation were
samples of the study. To collect data questionnaires, observation, document analysis, and
interview were used. Standardized questionnaires: LSS, SMS-6, and SSA and interview questions
were validated. The collected data were analyzed by t-tests, Pearson’s product moment
correlation coefficient, one way ANOVA, and regression analysis via IBM. SPSS (Version23).
The result indicated that the preferred and perceived coaching styles have higher degree of
concordance with correlation coefficient(r=0 .807) and (65.12%) respectively. Players’
motivation found to be average and it was more of the intrinsic type with a mean score of (3.74)
whereas the extrinsic (3.64). Performance has positive but not significant relation with coaching
styles (r=0.112).Regarding satisfaction, players found to have fair satisfaction which is below
the mean score of (3.5) in all the three sub scores. With respect to the relation between
coaching styles and satisfaction of players the highest value exhibited is the correlation between
training and instruction coaching style and satisfaction of players that ranges from r=0.575 to
0.689. In the case of the relative contribution of coaching styles to motivation, it is found to be
highly significant with a value of (p=0.000), the contribution of coaching style to satisfaction of
players was highly significant with a value of (p=0.000), but the relative contribution of
coaching styles to performance of players is found to be very low with a value of (p=0.080)
which is out of the expected. Based on the finding it is concluded that, preferred and perceived
styles of coaching have high degree of concordance. Besides, leadership styles of coaches have
significant relation with motivation and satisfaction of players whereas the relation between
coaching styles and performance is very low. Having the above conclusion, it is forwarded that;
coaches have to use different coaching styles according to preference of players and situations
that players are living in; coaches and team leaders have to use different ways of motivating
players; federation representatives should layout plans for preparing different level
competitions; clubs have to assign enough amount and kind of incentives to motivate, satisfy and
enhance performance of players and federation of the sport commission should work to organize
a national team so that, players and coaches will have future prospect. Finally further
researches have to be conducted on the factors that enhance performance other than treated in