Recently, geotechnical engineers have started to design the piled foundations more optimized by allowing a part of the pressure to be transferred directly from the raft to the ground. Such a foundation, where the raft and the piles interact to transfer the loads to the ground is called a piled raft foundation or piled raft.
Piled Raft Foundationshave a complex soil-structure interaction. This often requires numerical methods. The behavior of the piled raft foundation systems is influenced by various factors such as raft thickness, pile length, pile diameter, pile spacing and a number of piles, which must be considered for economical and effective design. In this research, a numerical analysis has been carried out by using powerful finite element-based software, ABAQUS, to investigate the influence of the above various parameters.Currently, the piled raft foundation is designed based on conventional group pile or block failure theory, this assumption ignores the bearing contribution from the raft.
The work in this thesis explores the load-deformation behavior of piled raft foundation, using finite element method software, ABAQUS CEA. This finite element analysis was performed on the vertically loaded piled raft. The model was calibrated by comparing the obtained numerical modeling results with experimental results (centrifuge test results) of other researchers.The developed 3D model was able to capture the behavior of the piled raft foundation system. In addition, an extended parametric study in which the effect of different parameters such as raft thickness pile spacing, pile diameter,pile length andthe number of piles on the response behavior of a piled raft was conducted.
A number of parameters areselected from the elements of the piled raft system. According to their effect on the response of the piled raft system, some were taken to be constant while others were varied. A series of numerical simulations for different piled raft models was performed to make comparisons of the settlements between these piled raft models. The compared results will contribute to a more economical design process for the specified type of piled raft foundations.These obtained results were validated by comparing with experimental results from the literature.
The parametric study has been performed for five parameters of the piled raft (raft thickness, number of piles, pile length, spacing of piles and pile diameter). It was observed that, by increasing raft thickness from 0.5 to 2m, the settlement was reduced by 32.51%. When the raft thickness was greater than 1.5m, the induced settlement attained a relatively constant value.By increasing the number of piles from 1 pile to 16 piles, the settlement amount was reduced by 38.76%. Additionally, from the total settlement reduction obtained by increasing pile length, a 44% reduction was obtained by increasing the pile length from 6m to 12m.