This study examines green supply chain practice impact on green supply chain performance.
To come up with possible theoretical and empirical insights as how to large manufacturing
firms increase their green performance. The independent variable (GSC activities) was
grouped into 4 practices: Green purchasing, Eco-design, legislation and regulation, reverse
logistics, whereas dependent variable includes environmental, economic, and intangible
performances. Quantitative research approach with explanatory research design was
employed. By using stratified proportional sampling a sample of 203 dataset was collected
from 5 large manufacturing firms of Bahir Dar town; and used to test the proposed research
hypotheses. Preliminary assumptions were tested. Convergent and discriminate validity were
used to examine the construct validity. Measurement and structural model fit were tested. All
four components had direct relationship with environmental performance. Except reverse
logistics other independent variables had a relationship with economic and intangible
performances. Legislation and regulation is considered as a priority leading to enhance the
intangible performance. While reverse logistics indicated a low level of adoption and having
little significance impact to green performance. The results of this study suggested that
organizations need to be aware that green supply chain activities may impact on their green