Handball is a fast body contact Olympic team sport that requires running, jumping, sprinting,
throwing, repeated sprinting, faking, hitting, blocking and pushing. The purpose of this study
was to investigate the effect of plyometric training on shooting performance and some selected
physical fitness qualities. The study employed Experimental research design. Twenty male
subjects with the age of (EG=18.6±1.34, CG=18.9±1.37years), height (EG=1.621 ±0.08,
CG=1.61±0.07cm,) weight (EG=60.4±5.46, CG=58.6±4.71kg), training experience (2.4±0.69,
CG=2.5±0.70years) from Adet town handball project participating players were randomly
assigned into two equal groups. Both the experimental group (EG, n=10) and control group
(CG, n=10) participated in the regular handball training, but only EG performed additional
plyometric training for 12 weeks, with 3 sessions per week, each lasting 50 to 60 minutes. All
subjects in two groups were tested on selected physical fitness qualities and performance
variables before and after the intervention. Shooting accuracy test measured for shooting
performance, hexagonal obstacle test for agility, flying 30m test for speed and vertical jump test
for explosive power. The data collected from the study subject was analyzed using SPSS version
23 software by paired t-test with level of significant at 0.05. The training intervention improved
shooting performance in EG (p=0.000), agility (p=0.000), speed (p=0.001), explosive power
(p=0.000). Thus, the results showed that plyometric training significantly improved shooting
performance, agility, speed and explosive power in EG at (p<0.05). However, shooting
performance in CG (p= 0.555), agility (p=0.07), speed (p=0.344) and explosive power (p=0.08).
Therefore, no significant differences were found in all of the variables in CG (p>0.05). Based on
the findings, twelve weeks plyometric training has positive effect on improvement of shooting
performance and physical fitness qualities of handball players. Therefore, it recommended
conducting plyometric training on handball players to enhance shooting performance and
physical fitness qualities.
Key words: handball, plyometric training, shooting performance, physical fitn