The study was to examine the relation among anthropometric characteristics, technical skill efficiency and jumping ability of Wolaita Dicha men volleyball team. The research design was cross-sectional and descriptive in nature. Seventeen items of anthropometric variables were selected (stature, body mass, standing reach height are the basic; arm, forearm, wrist, thigh, calf and ankle from the girth; and arm, leg and achilles’ tendon for the length), two technical skill testes were selected (Brumbach serving test and AAHPERD wall spike test), and the selected jumping ability tests were vertical, spiking and blocking jump tests. The participants were 32 Wolaita Dicha men volleyball players. The average age, stature, body mass and standing reach height, and vertical jump, were 22.8yrs, 186.44 cm, 75.53 kg, and 240.6 cm, and 44.16cm, of the team respectively, while technical skill efficiency of Brumbach serve test and AAHPERD wall spike test were 43.09 and 45.8 points respectively. The power of spike jump was correlated with body mass index and katoly index highly and body mass very highly (p<0.01). Brumbach service test was moderately correlated with calf girth indices (p<0.01). The AAHPERD wall spike test was correlated with length indices (p<0.01); upper limb, acromiale-dactylion-stylion and mid-stylion- dactylion lengths have very high relationship. The Brumbach serving test was significantly correlated with all jumping ability and power of the jumps (p<0.01); the power of vertical jump and vertical jump was correlated very high, and the spike jump and block jump was correlated high. It was recommended that the following anthropometric indices be considered in recruitment for men volleyball players: body mass, calf girth, and forearm length, arm relaxed girth, upper limb length, & katoly index, but it also needs a farther investigation in this area in our country in depth.
Keywords: Anthropometry, anthropometric characters tics, jumping ability, technical skill