The major objective to conduct this study in Mengesha Jenberie Primary school of
Dangla town was to explore the academic and social challenges of deaf students. From
Mengesha Jenberie primary school 30 participants those includes 6 deaf students, 11
hearing peers, 10 teachers, 1 special needs educator and 2 school principals to represent
the sample size in the study were selected. In this study, the researcher was used a case
study design under qualitative approach. I used a purposive sampling technique for
teachers and hearing peers; and comprehensive sampling technique for Deaf students,
school principals and special needs educator. The data collection tools used by the
researcher were face to face semi-structured interview for school principals, special
needs educator and Deaf students as well as focus group discussion for teachers and
hearing peers and also observed by the researcher. The researcher first identified the
exact number, gender, age and grade level of Deaf students enrolled, the data collected
from primary sources were analyzed qualitatively by thematic analysis technique. The
study found that from participants, like Education For All and realizations of the
Deafness as a part of human character that may not limit the contribution and
participation of any individual person in all aspects of life. On the other hand absence of
Ethiopian’ sign language interpreter in integrated classroom, lack of cooperative
learning share of Deaf students with their peers in the school and lack of teaching
devices, inappropriate classroom seating’s and lack of incentive supports, limit the
interaction between deaf students and hearing peers as well as administrative staff and
teachers were the most problems in integrated classroom. The above expressed point of
view implied the attempt that showed the beginning of integrated education for Deaf
students at Mengesha Jenberie primary school has aggravated.