The purpose of this study was to identifythe Impact ofThe practice and challenges of football club management in Amhara league. Taking this purpose as a general objective of the study, a descriptive survey research method was employed to investigate the problem. The target population in the study wasthe football club members existing at sixteen Amhara league football club participant in different zone and city of Amhara region. The total numbers of club members in 32 Amhara league football clubs were 528, From 528 club members the researcher took 160 (30.3%) of them ,The researcher used convenient sampling method to select the club and stratified sampling method to select the respondents from the club members. Regarding the respondents theresearcher took 1club leader,2 coaches,1technical expert,1 finance expert,3 players and 2club supporters i.e. The questionnaires were prepared for Amhara league participant football club members. The data obtained from quantitative data were analyzed in descriptive statistics in percentage, mean and standard deviation by using (SPSS version 20.0) The Semi-structured interview was conducted for1 club manager, 2 club coaches, 1technical expert1 finance expert3 players and 2 club supporters. Observation and document analysis was carried outto insure the questionnaire information in each selected Amhara league participant football clubs. The data obtained from interview, observation and document analysis were analyzed in words and were triangulated with the responses of the research participant responses.The total number of respondent participated inthe questionnaires part are 160 from sixteen different sport clubs. In each sport club in minimum seven and maximum of ten respondents are participated. Data collected were described and analyzed on the basis of qualitative and quantitative methods. And, this study concluded by finding out the following findings:-There is a Lack of and a Needfor standard football club management and services in planning and managerial structures, There is a Lack of and a Need for effective financial management system in the football clubs, There is a Lack of and a Need of enough andstandardized facilities and equipment in each football clubs and There is a Lack of and a Need of productive youthdevelopment project and program me in Amhara league football club performance.
Keywords: practice, challenges, Amhara League foot ball clubs, management