The adoption of new technology, under varying contextual setting, is influenced by many socio-economic, institutional and demographic factors of the farm households. So it is vital to be aware and there is a need to understand the contextual factors affecting the adoption of new technologies in order to generate and disseminate appropriate technologies to farmer. Motorized maize Sheller is one of the potential technologies that are used in the study area. The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate determinant factors of adoption of motorized maize Sheller. To address the objectives the study used cross-sectional data collected from 200 machine users and non-users households in Bure district. Sample size of respondent from each selected four kebeles was determined using probability proportional to size sampling technique. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and econometric model were employed. The result of logistic regression model indicated that, family size negatively and significantly affected adoption of motorized maize Sheller. Whereas, age of household head, household head participation in leadership of social organization, off/non-farm activity, farmers attendance in demonstration/field day regarding motorize maize Sheller and extension contact were the major factors that positively and significantly affected the adoption of motorized maize Sheller in the study area. Therefor government and other stakeholders should provide support through extension services, increase the number of Demonstration/field day, encourage household head to participate in leadership of social organization and develop income generating schemes (activities)