The study was conducted with the objective of investigating the factors affecting the interpersonal relationship among team members on athletic performance in the case of West Gojjam Zone Athletics clubs. In order to answer the research objectives and research questions, a Qualitative, descriptive survey research method was employed. For the purpose of this study, 3 Club managers, 7 Coaches and 96 Trainees, a total population of 106 club members was utilized. 3 Club managers, 7 Coaches and 96 Trainees a total sample of 106 club members were selected by the whole sample method. .Three data collection instruments; questionnaire, interview and observation checklist were used. Both Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis methods had been employed, the data obtained from Coaches and Trainees (i.e. data obtained through disseminated questionnaire) were analyzed quantitatively in which descriptive statics such as, Frequency and percentage were used so as to make the analysis. On the other hand, the data obtained from Club managers through a semi-structured interview and researcher’s observation had been analyzed qualitatively. The research finding include; little mutual respect and team cohesion among Trainees which affect their interpersonal relationship , Most Coaches tend to follow authoritarian leadership style and unfair treatment among Trainees which affect Coach- Athlete relationship, Coaches do not work to build team cohesion, Trainees and Coaches do not earn enough amount of wage, and Most club managers are not willing to view trainees’ and coaches’ payment related questions and Trainees’ leave requests positively which affect Athlete-Manager and Coach-Manager relationship. Finally. Based on the findings the researcher comes up with the following suggestions, Coaches are expected to improve trainees’ discipline and build team cohesion; coaches are advised to use the leadership styles according to the situation, and most preferably the participative type of leadership, managers are advised to devise a strategy to benefit their coaches and trainees financially. Club managers are also expected to see whatever trainees’ and coaches’ questions positively and solve them through discussion