The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between selected physical fitness traits and technical skill levels of junior male volleyball project players in debretabor and tikil Dingay town.42 junior male volleyball project players were selected by compressive sampling technique with the age 19.19±0.862 and 2.02±0.780 years of playing experience were participated in this study. The researcher was used cross sectional research design in order to identify the relationship between physical fitness traits and technical skill levels of junior volleyball players. Among technical skills of volleyball serving and spiking were selected variables and from the vast category of physical fitness variables strength endurance explosive power, agility, and speed were selected. Those junior volleyball project players were measured there technical skill level and physical fitness trait by using standard testing procedure. Data were collected from both variables. The collected data was analyzed by using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and used statistical package for social science (SPSS), version 23 to find out the relationship between selected physical fitness traits and technical skill levels of junior volleyball players. The level of significant was set a t≤ 0.05. The result shows that there were statistically positive and negative significant as well as insignificance relationship between upper body strength endurance explosive power, agility, and speed with technical skill performance (serve and spike) of volleyball players. The most important predictor physical fitness trait for technical skill performance of junior volleyball players was strength endurance among other physical fitness traits. So the researcher recommended that it is better to focus on strength endurance of players during training to improve their serving and spiking