Intellectual disabilities are a sub-average/ significant limitation in both functional and adapted
daily living activity. Attitude problems, lead to psychological and emotional difficulties and
hindering student with intellectual disabilities integrated education. This study focused on
examining teachers’ attitudes and the factors that affect their attitude. This study was conducted
in Amhara regional state of south Gonder, Dera Woreda Primary School. The study used a
mixed research approach explanatory sequential mixed research design was employed; Regular
teachers were the targeted population. purposive samplingwere employed to select key
informants, comprehensive sampling for schools, and stratified simple random sample was
administed to select quantitative respondents. The data are obtained from regular teachers;
data collected from primary sources, the primary data collected through in-depth interviews and
questionnaires. The questionnaires consist of 30 Likert scale items’ validity and reliability
certified by educational experts. Qualitative data was collecting next to quantitativedata.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were administered to analyses quantitative data (statistical
package of 20 versions) whereas, thematic case-by-case analysis method was employed for
qualitative data . Teachers had aneutral attitude. There was no significant mean score
difference between sex and among age and teaching experience but there was in educational
qualification. Students and teacher-related factors were affects teachers’ attitudes towards
SWIDs. Qualitative finding showed that teachers’ had negative attitude. The schoolshould be
provided training for awareness creation and enphasis educational qualification.