dc.description.abstract |
School-based tutorial program has nationally become one of the strategies to enhance quality education.
Nevertheless, studies into the practice, challenge and contribution of the program are very limited. Thus,
this study aimed at assessing the practice, challenge and contribution of school based tutorial program in
three sampled secondary schools in South Achefer Woreda, West Gojjam Zone of Amhara Region. The
study employed descriptive survey design and made use of quantitative and qualitative approaches. To
get valid and reliable information, this study obtained data from both primary and secondary sources.
The primary sources were students, teachers, school principals, vice principals and supervisors of
Woreda education office using questionnaires and semi structured interview. The secondary sources were
school documents Related to the attendance and list of participant students in school-based tutoring
program. Purposive, stratified & systematic random sampling technique was employed in the study and
variables (statements) was measured using a 5-point Likert scale. One-sample t-test was used to analyze
the quantitative data. Results with regard to the practice of the program revealed that, the selected
secondary schools in South Achefer Woreda are not implementing the school-based tutoring program as
per the Ministry of education’s standards of the tutorial program. While coordination of school
principals, vice principals and woreda education experts are low coordination with school-based tutoring
program. The finding shows that the sample secondary schools have not adequate classrooms to facilitate
the tutorial session. And also, the allotted time & instructional materials for the student’s tutorial
program is insufficient to facilitate a better tutorial session. Increased the level of classroom
participation, improved relationship with friends, self-stem and confidence, self-directed learning
experience, increase academic achievement, overcome learning obstacles, improved social & behavioral
skills and prepared for preparatory education are among identified contributions (benefits) of School
based tutorial program implementation. Whereas, lack of teacher punctuality & frequent absence,
inconsistent of tutorial program, shortage of instructional material, lack of follow up & monitoring, lack
of students interest & home school distance, lack of awareness of parents, work load & low level of
family economy are among recognized challenges of school based tutorial program implementation in
the study area. The study concluded that, school based tutorial organization, integration (coordination)
of stakeholders, sufficiency of resource, & professional support are not effectively practiced for the
implementation of school-based tutorial program. Taking into account potential contributions of
practicing school based tutorial program, school management should strive to meet the stated objective
of the program and enforcement bodies are also required to provide support and regulate timely
implementation school based tutorial program based on lining strategy. The school management it-self
evaluate themselves within circumstance, to know the weakness of management, identify and prioritize the
weakness and then try to work with the concern body collaboratively in order to take each concerned
body their own responsibility with flexible and polite manner which could push forward their progress to
implement school based tutorial program. Rigorous school based tutorial program capacity building
programs should be organized to equip teachers & stakeholders with the required knowledge and skill for
success full practice and implementation of school based tutorial program.
Keywords: Practice, School based tutorial program, School, Tutorial, challenge and Contribution. |
en_US |