The main objective of the present study is to test the potential of the organic fertilizer which prepared from brewery waste water treatment sludge with bulking agent (i.e. Kieselguhr and banana peel) through composting in different ratio for 21 days. In compost unit nutrient balance, moisture content and aeration was adjusted to create suitable environment for microbes. Kijhald method and UV-Vis spectrophotometer was used to determine total nitrogen and total phosphorus respectively. The results showed the total nitrogen and total Phosphorus concentration, all nine Treatments, were best value as compare as organic fertilizer standard value. Among from the nine treatments, Treatment 4 (90% sludge and 10% Kieselguhr) was best and selected based on pH, Total-N, Total-P, Total-C, OM, Water retention capacity and it was free from pathogen load.
Therefore, the analysis of this compost revealed that it contained (Total N=3.85%, PH=6.80, Organic matter=56.68%, Water retention capacity=56.66% and Total P = 8.8%).The percentage of Organic Carbon of the organic fertilizer was 31.48%. And addition improved the organic carbon content of the soil significantly and the higher water retention capacity is linked to high organic matter and other nutrients.