SWCC of Unsaturated Expansive Soils Appropriate for a Range of Index Properties Using Pressure Plate Apparatus Knowledge about engineering properties of soil in a specific area is necessary to provide information on the nature of the soil, ground condition and possible construction problem for design, construction and for environmental assessment of geo-system. In this study, by taking a disturbed expansive soil samples from 12 test pit; both Index properties and SWCC tests using pressure plate apparatus. Then identification, classification and determination of suction-water content of the soil for the expansive soil have been developed. In Ethiopia, available information is often insufficient to allow a detailed geotechnical analysis to be made for a specific areas. Soil samples were collected from Ayer Tena, in the City of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. The test results shows that the specific gravity range from 2.68 to 2.7, PI ranges from 55 to 74, the clay content of the soil is from 47 to 86% and its free swell ranges from 100 to 194%. Based on Atterberg limits and grain size measurement. The textural classification chart the soil is categorized as fat or organic clay with a potential expansion according to USCS and the soil is plastic clay with high volume change capacity based on AASHTO system. An experimental study on the SWCC of natural expansive clay soil was conducted using the pressure plate apparatus. The SWCC has been used as a tool by the geotechnical researchers and practicing engineers to determine the properties of unsaturated soil. Over the year, numerous empirical equation has been suggested to fit experimental data for soil over the entire suction range. The study made to assess the performance of the curve fitting model shows limited success depending on soil type. Therefore, from the experimental and curve-fitting model comparison studies; it is concluded that: the pressure plate test results from the three specimens tested are closely reproducible and it is concluded that the FredlundXing (1994) model, allows for the best-fit of unimodal soil data from an extremely low suction to an upper limiting suction value of 10 6 kPa and are suggested to fit the limited discrete data points measured in laboratory and determine the required design parameters and further unsaturated soil property functions from the SWCC curve for these unsaturated soils. The result shows that for Type 1 Expansive Soils containing < 75% fine: the min/max of saturated water content is 48.87/48.87%; Air Entry Value/Suction/ range is 352.7/391.7 kPa and the residual suction range is 800.1/865 kPa and for Type 2 Expansive Soils containing >75% fine): the min/max of saturated water content is 56.08/61.48%; Air Entry Value/Suction range is 324.1/684.1 kPa and the Residual Suction range is 1164/3602 kPa.