dc.description.abstract |
Investigation of the underground conditions at a site is prerequisite to the economical design of the substructure elements. It is also necessary to obtain sufficient information for feasibility and economic studies of the proposed project.
This research was conducted to investigate the engineering property of soil found in Durbete Town. For achieving its objective soil samples from different parts of the study area were collected and laboratory tests such as natural moisture content, bulk unit weight, specific gravity, grain size analysis, atterberg limits, free swelling, compaction, unconfined compressive strength and one dimensional consolidation were performed.
The natural moisture content of the study area ranges from 29.55 % to 55.2 % and specific gravity ranges from 2.68 to 2.8. The bulk density and unit weight of soils in the study area ranges from 1.80g/cm3 to 1.97g/cm3 and 18kN/m3 to 19.7kN/m3 respectively.
To determine the grain size distribution of the study area, combined of wet sieve analysis and hydrometer analysis were conducted and the results of grain size analysis indicates that the dominant proportion of soil particle in all conducted test pits were clay and the soil particles in the study area ranges as from 61.88 % to 76.77 % clay fraction, from 16.18 % to 29.17 % silt fraction and from 3.91 % to 11.12 % sand fraction.
From Atterberg limits tests; the values of liquid limit, plastic limit, plastic index and liquid index ranges from 56.93 % to 66.12 %, 30.82 % to 36.65 %, 22.69 % to 34.39 % and -0.10 to 0.71 respectively.
Free swelling test was conducted and its values range from 4.92 % to 16.35 %. Therefore the investigation fruit shows that the study area soil is non expansive.
From compaction test results the maximum dry density (MDD) of Durbete Town soil ranges from 1.35 g/cm3 to 1.52 g/cm3 and the optimum moisture content ranges from 24.6 % to 33.4 %. |
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