dc.description.abstract |
A large portion of the earth’s surface is covered by soils and they are widely used as construction and foundation materials.
Specially soil mechanics is the branch of Engineering that deals with two main objectives of the engineering properties of soil and their behavior under stress due to static and dynamic load condition.
The aim of the research is focus on to investigate into some of the engineering properties of soils found in Debre Tabor town using the appropriate method of exploration because no one studied before. After visiting of the town and the help of Google earth science, twelve test pit locations were selected. Those test pits represent internal and external expansion part of the town. All soils are categorized as red clay soil. Black clay soils are found at swampy area of the town but this soils cover only the top soil of depth within a range 50 cm up to 120cm. Representative disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from open pits by manual excavation at a depth of around 150cm and 300cm.The laboratory tests were carried out includes Specific gravity, Atterberg limits, Grain size analysis, Free swell, Standard compaction, UCS and consolidation.
Grain size analysis tests are conducted by using ASTM standard, based on this data’s the soil of Debre tabor town classified by USCS and AASHTO system. Accordingly the USCS the majority of soil in the study areas are fine grained soil of MH, Accordingly the AASHTO standards the majority of the soils in the study areas are classified as group classification of A-7-5. Based on the results the soil generally classified as sity-clay.
Atterberg Limits of the study area were conducted and test results of liquid limit is 45 – 73%, similarly the result of plasticity limits have a range of 28.16-47.65% and plastic index of the study area lie in between14.27 – 38.23%.
Specific Gravity of the study area lay in between 2.51-2.874.Free swell of the study area are lay within the range of 19.7 – 90.20%.
Standard Procter compaction test the value of OMC & MDD is laid in between 32.9 – 45% and 1.394 -1.565gm/cm3 respectively.
Unconfined Compression (UC) of cohesive soil the test result lay in between 155 -202.5KPa.
From One dimensional consolidation test of Debre tabor town Cv values are obtained in the range of 0.503-2.495 x 10-3cm2/sec. The values of pre consolidation pressure and compression index are (σc and Cc) laid in the range of 80-185KPa & 0.04958 – 0.11495m2/KN respectively. The value of coefficient of permeability is lay within a range of 2.4x10-11 – 1.7x10-7. |
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