Ethiopia is extracted huge amount of energy from biomass wood. Such energy source has a low energy yield and create high problematic environment as indoor air pollution is high. In order to reduce such problem different alternative energy conversion technologies such as biogas technology has been disseminated to rural communities. However, the uptake of those technologies are very low due lack of end of pipe technologies such as cooking stoves. The research group at Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology has developed a number of biogas cooking stoves in the last five years. But the developed cooking stoves are not well understood and the efficiency of the stoves are loosely characterized and evaluated. In this study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the performance of different biogas cooking stoves in terms of cooking time saving and biogas consumption rate. A biogas consumption rate was determined by using water displacement method. Labeled the biogas plant and measured the height then multiplied with the anaerobic digester cross sectional area. The performance of the biogas stove is evaluated using Microsoft Office Excel version 2010 software following. The result shows that the copper burner stove with composite mitad consumed up to 6.9L biogas fuel and 75mint cooking time &77.2% of efficiency .while copper burner stove with traditional mitad saved up8.6L biogas fuel and 78 cooking time and efficiency 62% . Copper burner stove with temper glass mitad saved up to 3 L biogas fuel and cooking time of 30mint and efficiency of 85%.This indicates that copper burner stove with temper glass mitad has less biogas fuel consumption and high efficiency.