Jay Jay Textile PLC established its business in Ethiopia on 2014 for apparel
manufacturing by renting three factories sheds or at total of 300,000 sq. feet of built up
area from Bole Lemi-I Industrial Park.
The company 1,100 Sewing Machines, 57 fully stand up sewing modules machines are
operating, 100% Needle detector machine and 6 sets 20 heads Embroidery machines are
used to produce an infant cloth with the capacity of 1 million pcs per month on sewing
and Embroidery 125,000 pcs per month and the power consumptions is vary from one
month to other but the maximum power consumed on the month of December with 138,
156 KWh. The unit price per KWh according to the electric bill analysis is 0.701 birr.
A Preliminary energy audit conducted and six energy system like HVAC (Air
Conditioners), Compressors, Boiler, Sewing machines, lighting and pumps among them
the major energy consuming systems being inspected for the application of energy
conservation opportunities (ECO).
During the preliminary energy audit discussion is held with the management staffs,
maintenance department and selected staffs and data collected from energy bill and
logbooks. From the records the lighting and air compressors are identified as a major
energy consuming system which accounts more than 68% of energy consumption from
the overall energy consuming system.
From the existing three operational air compressors, energy lost due to pressure setting
and air leakage on pipe joint, flexible hose pipes and on thread sealants observed. To
tackle those problems an appropriate energy conservation measures out lined which can
saves 37,128 KWh of energy from Air Compressor 136,534.73 KWh from Air
BDU, BiT, SORAPS, BEC in SEE, MSc Thesis, 2017, by Tinsae Yimam Page viii
Compressor 2 and 6,619.60 KWh from Air Compressor 3. In general 56,227.91
Birr/year be saved by taking energy conservation measures for the air leakage with a
payback period of 2 month for Air Compressor 1 and 2 and 2.8 year for Air compressor
The ECM that took on reduction of the set pressure, which means adjustment of the
pressure set by reducing 1.5 bar for 8 bar to set 6 bar the minimum level needed for the
process of air requirement, be able to achieve 30,943 KWh of energy save per year or
21,691.04 birr/year saving with no cost measurer.
The other area been seen is lighting, since, lighting is the crucial one for garment
industry, more than 1,800 lamping fixture is used on JAY JAY Textile PLC and most of
them installed on production area. So, to achieve the efficient energy utilization T8
(2x28W) fluorescent and 400W High Bay lamps fixtures been replaced by 158W LED
High Bay lamp, which able to save 295,975 KWh of energy. And by replacing the T8
(2x28W) fluorescent fixture with T5 (2x16W) LED light fixture on both office and
canteen areas also be able to save 3,880 KWh of energy per year. Therefore, from the
lighting fixture 210,198.36 birr can be saved annually.
Finally, by applying the energy conservation measures for those identified energy
saving gaps, the company haves a potential to save annual energy of 411,080.33 KWh
or equivalent to 288,167.31 birr/year with acceptable payback periods.