In this study, sample bagasse and the quantitative data about sugarcane and bagasse processing and utilization were obtained directly from WSSF using site observation, interviews and from reserved documents. Extensive literatures were reviewed to collect the existing technologies concerning briquetting of bagasse. A small amount of bagasse sample was collected from WSSF and it was sun dried to remove the moisture and to make the carbonization process easy. Carbonization of the dried bagasse was carried out in oxygen limited condition. 6kg of the dried bagasse was fed in the carbonizer. Once the dried bagasse was fed to the carbonizer, carbonization took place by observing the chimney smoke type. The result char was allowed to cool and ground to fine particles by using charcoal grinder. Finally, 1.4 kg of char powder was produced from 6 kg of bagasse. Binder was prepared from corn flour. Three samples with different char-binder ratio were prepared by mixing char with small amount of binder. The mixtures were molded and three sample briquettes with similar shape and size were prepared. The physico-chemical analyses of these samples including the un briquetted carbonized bagasse were carried out. When these fuel properties were examined, bagasse briquettes at all binder proportion can deliver better heat value for cooking and heating purposes compared to that of raw bagasse. The energy values of briquette samples are greater than that of dry bagasse at both wet and dry basis. Briquettes made from sugar cane bagasse at higher starch binder concentration (15%) gave the highest calorific value .While the least energy was produced by briquettes produced at lower starch binder concentration (5%).Thus, the calorific value of bagasse charcoal briquette was enhanced by increase in starch proportion. Binder less briquette charcoal gave lower heating values and has lower bulk density. To get higher bulk density, the briquetting process needs significant amount of corn starch in proportion. Generally, the use of higher binder proportion in briquettes gave high bulk density and heating values.