dc.description.abstract |
Teff (Eragrostis tef ) is the major cereal crop in Ethiopia. Decline in soil fertility is one of the major bottlenecks to teff production. The study was carried out in 2018/19 to describe soils of the experimental site, determine optimum NP rates and nutrient use efficiencies of teff at Lae'lay Maichew district, Centeral Zone of Tigray. A soil profile was opened before sowing and described according to FAO’S Guidelines for Soil Description and the reference soil groups were classified based on World Reference Base classification. Kuncho teff variety (DZ-Cr-387) was a test crop. Treatments were laid out in RCBD with three replications and factorial combinations with four levels of N (0, 35,70 and 105 kg N ha--1) and four levels of P (0, 23, 46 and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1) with urea and TSP as a source of N and P, respectively. Urea was applied as split; 1/2 at sowing, 1/4 at mid-tillering and 1/4 at panicle initiation. Full dose of TSP was applied at planting. All the collected soil and agronomic data were subjected to SAS version 9.0 statistical software program. One composite soil sample before planting and 48 soil samples after harvest from each plots (0-20cm depth) were collected. 48 plant samples were collected for N and P analysis. Soils of the experimental site was grouped under Vertisol with moderately alkaline in pH (7.62), low OC (0.74%) and total N (0.06%), optimum available P (9.5ppm) and high CEC (55 Cmolckg-1). The experiment revealed combined application of NP fertilizers significantly affected growth parameters, yield and yield components, NP concentrations, uptakes and use efficiency of teff. The highest teff grain (3004.8 kg ha-1) and straw yields (8149 kg ha-1), grain (0.061%) and straw P (0.045%) concentrations, grain (1.84 kg ha-1) and straw uptakes (3.68 kg ha-1) were recorded from the application of highest NP rates. Highest agronomic N (41.85 kg grain kg-1 N) at 35/69 kg NP2O5 ha-1 and highest agronomic P (59.49 kg grain kg-1 P2O5 ) use efficiencies were recorded at 105/23 kg NP2O5 ha-1. Partial budget analysis showed, marginal rate of return was highest (10905.97%) at 35/46 kg NP ha-1. However, application of 105/69 kg NP2O5 ha-1 fertilizers is economically beneficial. Grain and straw yields were highly significantly and positively correlated with soil available P, grain and straw P, grain and straw N uptakes and N use efficiencies. Hence, it could be concluded that higher teff yield could be gained by using of 105/69 kg NP2O5 rates ha-1.
Key Words: Concentration, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Teff, Uptake, Use efficiency, Vertisols |
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