Back ground: Household adequately iodized salt coverage is one of WHO determinant factor for elimination of iodine related health sequels. Similarly, proper utilization of iodized salt has its own part alleviate iodine deficiency disorder. The potential impact the research is filling gap of improper utilization of iodide salt at household. The purpose of study was to asses utilization of adequately iodized salt and associated factors at house hold level in Kolfe keranyo, sub₋ city, Addis Ababa. Methods and material: A Cross-sectional study design with both simple and systematic sampling technique was applied to take sample size of 417 HHs. Standard questionnaire with modification and improved iodized salt test kit was used to collect data. Twenty-four-hour recall period was used to minimize recall bias. Data entered by SPSS Version 20 for analysis. Logistic regression model was used to adjust confounders and P-Value <0.05 was considerd to declare statically significant. Result: Proportion of HHs with adequately iodized salt was 64%. About 60% of HHs add salt to their cooking at the end of cooking or right after cooking. Marital status, married (AOR = 1.83, 95% CI = (1.17, 2.86) and awareness about iodized salt (AOR = 2.09, 95% CI = (1.35, 3.27) were significantly associated with proper utilization of iodized salt at house hold. The second regressions factor that associated with adequately iodized salt, were includes: ₋ amount of salt purchased (only less than one kilogram), duration of salt storage (less than two month), education and occupation. Conclusion and Recommendation: Proportion of households with adequately iodized salt was low in the study area and significant number of households have improper utilization. Monitoring iodized salt at HH by using test kit and communication activities by using different communication methods is important to improve proper utilization of adequate iodized salt at household level.