The Hotta catchment is found in Northwestern part of Ethiopia in North Gondar basin of
the Upper Tekeze Basin. This catchment is one of the areas where groundwater is the
main sources of water supply for domestic and ...
The Cheleka River catchment is located in the Northeast part of Ethiopia, particularly in the
Amhara national regional state with areal coverage of 476 km
. The objective of the study is to
carry out a detailed ...
This research evaluates the groundwater potential, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in
Ataye-Senbete river catchment (344 km
North Shewa Zone and Oromia Special Zone.
), which is located in Amhara National ...
Groundwater recharge estimation is the critical importance for groundwater resources
evaluation and management. In the study area, there is lack of understanding the groundwater
recharge amount, rate, mechanism and spatial ...
To ensure sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction, it is argued that effective water resource development is very crucial. Owing to this fact different water resource development interventions are implemented and ...
Lah-Yisir river catchment project area is located between Bure and Finoteselam Towns. The
general objective of the study is numerical simulation of the groundwater flow system of the
Lah-Yisir river catchment to evaluate ...
Tisabalima sub-basin is part of the Awash Basin and is found in South Wollo zone, Amhara National
Regional State. The sub-basin has a surface area of approximately 788 km
The study targets mainly ...
Jerer river catchment is found in the Somali regional state and is one of the major
tributaries of the Wabishebebele river basin. The groundwater condition and potential of
the area were not done in the previous studies ...
Deformation and metamorphic studies were carried out on the Blue Nile basement rocks near the
Kuch area, western Ethiopian shield. The study aimed to investigate and reconstruct the
deformation and metamorphic history ...
This study is aimed to investigate the petrological, geological and geochemical characteristics of
magmatic rocks in the study area. To achieve this objective, detailed field work, geological,
lithostratigraphical, cross ...
The Hotta catchment is found in Northwestern part of Ethiopia in North Gondar basin of
the Upper Tekeze Basin. This catchment is one of the areas where groundwater is the
main sources of water supply for domestic and ...
The Cheleka River catchment is located in the Northeast part of Ethiopia, particularly in the
Amhara national regional state with areal coverage of 476 km
. The objective of the study is to
carry out a detailed ...
This research evaluates the groundwater potential, both quantitatively and qualitatively, in
Ataye-Senbete river catchment (344 km
North Shewa Zone and Oromia Special Zone.
), which is located in Amhara National ...
Groundwater recharge estimation is the critical importance for groundwater resources
evaluation and management. In the study area, there is lack of understanding the groundwater
recharge amount, rate, mechanism and spatial ...
To ensure sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction, it is argued that effective water resource development is very crucial. Owing to this fact different water resource development interventions are implemented and ...
Lah-Yisir river catchment project area is located between Bure and Finoteselam Towns. The
general objective of the study is numerical simulation of the groundwater flow system of the
Lah-Yisir river catchment to evaluate ...
Tisabalima sub-basin is part of the Awash Basin and is found in South Wollo zone, Amhara National
Regional State. The sub-basin has a surface area of approximately 788 km
The study targets mainly ...
Jerer river catchment is found in the Somali regional state and is one of the major
tributaries of the Wabishebebele river basin. The groundwater condition and potential of
the area were not done in the previous studies ...
Deformation and metamorphic studies were carried out on the Blue Nile basement rocks near the
Kuch area, western Ethiopian shield. The study aimed to investigate and reconstruct the
deformation and metamorphic history ...
This study is aimed to investigate the petrological, geological and geochemical characteristics of
magmatic rocks in the study area. To achieve this objective, detailed field work, geological,
lithostratigraphical, cross ...
This thesis presents the hydrogeological characterization of basement Aquifers in the Assosa
area, Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia. The study area covers 863 Sqkm of
Hoha and Selga rivers and is mostly ...
The study is conducted on the Mertule Maryam volcanic section which is located in the
northwestern Ethiopian Plateau (EP). The aim of the study is to understand the petrogenesis of
volcanic rocks based on their petrological ...
The study area is found in the main rift valley of Ethiopia in which surface and
groundwater are the main source for domestic and agricultur al purposes. The main
objective of the study is to investigate the hydrochemistry ...
This work is the study of the risk of groundwater and surface water pollution of the 136.98 km2 Kombolcha
area (Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia). The Kombolcha city is in a state of progressive population growth,
uncontrolled ...
Hydrogeochemical studies were carried out on the Dallol area (Afar region, Ethiopia) to
characterize the hydrogeochemistry of the hydrothermal and Lake brines and to identify the
dominant hydrogeochemical processes and ...
This study was conducted to estimate temporal and spatial groundwater recharge
distribution of Weleh river catchment by using the WetSpass model. Meteorological data
were collected from stations, which were selected based ...
This study was carried out to characterize the different aquifer systems in Ardi river catchment, Upper
Blue Nile Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia. The catchment is characterized by different volcanic and
metamorphic rocks ...
Gozamin area exposes granitic rocks belonging to eastern corner of the western Ethiopian
Precambrian shield. The aim of this thesis work is to understand the petrography and the
geochemical composition of Gozamin granites ...
Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the Blue Nile of central Ethiopia are related to two major
Gondwana glaciations: namely, the Late Ordovician- Silurian and the Carboniferous- Permian
glaciation. The present study investigates ...