dc.description.abstract |
Currently, ethnic tension and conflict are serious problems in Ethiopia. The problem of national
unity is inevitable in countries like Ethiopia in which it is comprised by various cultural,
religious, ethnic and regional groups. However, religious institutions play undeniable role in
promoting Ethiopian unity. They have been participated in reconciliation activities by mitigating
conflict and prayed on the basis of their divine mission. EOTC and Islam which were the focus
of this study play a role in bringing Ethiopian unity. They are the very prominent religions in
terms of history and number of followers they have in Ethiopia in general and Bahir Dar city
administration in particular the study area of this research. The central objective of this study
was to assess the role of the two dominant religions, EOTC and Islam in promoting Ethiopian
unity. This research used qualitative research method through case study research design by
consulting primary and secondary data. The research was framed by functionalism theory with
the paradigm of social constructivism. Focus group discussion, and semi structured interview
were the main data gathering instruments and data were collected from Bahir Dar city
administration Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Islam religion institutions and ANRS Interreligious
Council. The conclusion that is drawn from the finding of the study revealed that, EOTC and
Islam religion have a vital role in creating a sense of belonging and relation among Ethiopian
society irrespective of ethnic, religious, regional and other differences. Preaching, praying and
reconciliation are among the activities that both EOTC and Islam perform. They have a great
acceptance by the citizens of Ethiopia. Hence, they have a power in promoting Ethiopian unity.
However, due to the existence of different problems, they are challenged to contribute their
expected role. The government does not use them as a prerequisite is one challenge among |
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