This study was designed to investigate irrigation water use conflicts in Fetam Small Scale Irrigation
Projects at Guagussa Shikudad Woreda. The purposes of the study were to investigate the causes of
conflicts, identify the prominent actors of conflicts, find out the conflict resolution actors, and explore the
conflict resolution mechanisms in Fetam small scale irrigation projects. The study employed a mixed
design that comprises both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The data were gathered
through questionnaire, interview, and focus group discussion from 150 participants who were selected
through simple random sampling and quota sampling from the sample frame. In order to collect relevant
data both primary and secondary data sources were employed. The collected data were analyzed through
both descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The results of the study revealed that scarcity of
irrigation water, large number of irrigation water users, and unfair distribution of water among
irrigation water users were the most frequently occurred causes of conflicts among Fetam irrigation
projects water users. In the same vein, poor infrastructure, position of the irrigation farm, and illegal
connections among water users were medium causes of conflicts among irrigation users in the irrigation
scemes. Finally, the nature of the rules and regulations used for Fetam small scale irrigation projects,
cattle watering of the community, and excessive use of water in the irrigation projects were not those
much serious causes of conflicts in the irrigation though they have their own impacts for the conflict. The
prominent actors of conflicts in Fetam Irrigation projects were upstream and downstream irrigation
water users, irrigators and cattle watering, youth and old people, male and female irrigation water users,
and group and individual irrigation water users. The conflict resolution actors and mechanisms in Fetam
Small Scale irrigations were both informal and formal. The informal conflict resolution actors who
worked for Fetam irrigation projects water users were the conflicting parties themselves through mutual
understanding, the local mediating fathers through negotiation, the religious fathers in the name of God
and St. Marry, and the local mediating youths through compromisation. On the other hand, the formal
conflict resolution actors in Fetam Small Scale irrigations were Water user Association committee
members, Kebele administrative officials, police, and the woreda court office who resolve conflicts
mainly through rules and regulations, and the constitution of the country rather than through mediation
and negotiation. Finally, even though, both formal and informal ways of conflict resolution mechanism