dc.description.abstract |
The optical properties described depend on the wavelength, temperatutre and photon energy. By
using the mathematical relation and theoretical concept stated in literature review, the effect of
wave length and the optical band gap on the optical properties were studied. As the wavelength
decrease the energy, coefficient of absorption, absorbance increase. In the photon energy range
of 0.6–6.001 eV absosoption coefficient is constant at 0.61.6 eV and increase at 1.64.81 eV
then it decrease at 4.81–6.001 eV. The optical conductivity increases in the energy range 1.6–
4.81 eV. It rises to a maximum value of 14.3410
at 4.81 eV and decreases at energy range of
4.81– 6.001 eV. The real part of the dielectric function increase in energy range 0.6–2.800045
eVand it raises to a maximum value of 23.609 at 2.800045 eV, then decreases with increased in
the energy range of 2.800045–6.001 eV. The imaginary part of dielectric function increases in
the range of 1.6–4.81 eV and decreases in the energy range 4.81–6.001 eV. .
Key words: Optical bandgap, Absorption coefficient, Optical conductivity, Dielectric functions. |
en_US |