The optical properties of sliver nanoparticles originate from the oscillations of conduction
electrons when excited by electromagnetic radiation ; termed surface plasmon
resonances. When the size of nanoparticles is much smaller than the wavelength of
light, the electromagnetic eld is uniform across a particle such that all the conduction
electrons move in phase producing only dipole type oscillations. manifested by
a single, narrow peak in the SPR spectrum. As the size increases, the eld across
the particle becomes nonuniform, and this phase retardation broadens the dipole
resonance and excites quadrupole resonances. In this graduate project work, we reviewed
the comparison of dipole and quadrupole plasmon band contribution for size
10-100nm of sliver nanoparticles and the di erence in optical properties between bulk
material and nanoparticles. The nanoparticle silver was characterized by ultravioletvisible
spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and
dynamic light scattering.
Key words : Sliver nanoparticles, Dipole ,Quadrupole, Characterization techniques
of sliver nanoparticles .