The purpose of this quasi-experimental single group study design was to develop the students’
understanding of solving linear equation with one variable through balancing model of teaching:
the case of grade five students in Ewket Fana Primary School. To achieve the research
objectives, design-based research was chosen as an approach to conduct this study. The target
population of the study was five sections of grade five students and their mathematics teachers.
From this population, the participants of the study were grade five section A students and their
mathematics teacher. The students were selected using simple random sampling technique and
their mathematics teacher was selected using comprehensive sampling technique. To answer the
basic research questions of this study, the data were gathered through observation, test and
interview. The conceptual understanding test results of the students were analyzed using paired
sample t-test, and the interview and classroom observation data were analyzed through data
driven thematic method. Quantitative findings showed that most students scored performed
better in the posttest as compared to the pretest result, and qualitative results indicated that, after
a series of learning attempts through balancing model method most students have developed
more flexible strategies to solve linear equation. Moreover, grade five section A students and
their mathematics teacher showed a positive attitude towards learning through the balancing
model teaching method. Therefore, the researcher concluded that teaching through balancing
model method has developed students’ conceptual understanding of linear equation and helped
both students and their respective teacher to bring a positive attitude towards the learning
process. In order to develop students understanding and sustain an innovative approach for the
teaching of mathematics subject, the researcher recommended that educational officials of Ewket
Fana Primary School, in particular, and officials in Amhara region, in general, should design and
implement continuous professional development program for primary school teachers in order to
improve their pedagogical skills. They are also expected to re-design primary school curricular
materials in such a way that they could smoothly be integrated into the student’s real-life