Solid waste generation is increasing problem in Ethiopia in general and in ANRS in Bahir Dar city in particular as a result of rapid population growth and economic development. Because of improper disposal of solid waste pollutes all the components of environment, the Ethiopian government had enacted several laws in relation to the regulation of SWM at both federal and regional level. Those laws have been enacted with their own enforcement mechanisms which are criminal, civil and administrative in nature. The objective of this paper is for discussing the adequacy of the existing laws on the solid wastes in Ethiopia in general and its application in Bahir Dar city administration in particular by examining the waste management situation in the city. For doing this, the research used both doctrinal and qualitative research method by raising the research question like are there adequate laws regulating the proper solid waste management in Ethiopia and to what extent those laws ensure the proper SWM in Bahir Dar city administration? In the research, it is discovered that, though there are different laws and different mechanisms of SWM which are recognized by the law of the country and different institutions also established to accomplish the task of the solid waste management, in Bahir Dar city administration, only landfill without its necessary standard is used as a disposal mechanism and the level of the SWM of the city is not optimal due to different challenges. Among those challenges, lack of awareness of the residents as to the necessity of the protection of the environment from the solid wastes, the shortage of finance allocated by the government, the lack of coordination and integration among different institutions working on the SWM, the lack of existence of independent institution working for the enforcement of the SWM law in the city and failure of some institutions to discharge their obligation with respect to the SWM laws. Due to those challenges, currently, the enforcement of the SWM laws in the city is low. This can be manifested by the existence of different solid wastes here and there in the city and by non-built of the standardized land fill site still now. So, the city administration shall come up with a solution to all of the above challenges and enforce the SWM laws and keep the city clean and healthy. Otherwise, it should have to allow the task of the solid waste management in the city to be undertaken by private investor and fulfill the need of the residents.