dc.description.abstract |
This thesis is mainly geared towards reconstructing a history of Guba Warada in the twentieth
c~tury. It tries to explore changes and continuities in the social, cultural, political, and economic
aspects in Guba. Thus, it begins with the influence by Sudan and Ethiopia until it was
incorporated into Ethiopian Empire.
This .thesis assesses process of territorial expansion and the conquest of different sheikdoms by
leaders of Funj ruling class. The incorporation of Guba to Ethiopian empire in the late nineteenth
century ~as discussed. Guba's relations with its neighbors, the social organization and economic
activities were also discussed and analyzed. The frequent practices of slave raids in the region
both by Christian kingdom, Sudanese, and the local ruler of Guba and its impact on Guba were
focusiC_ in the discussion. The role of Britain for liberation of Ethiopia in general, and Guba in
particular, the British attempts to unite Guba with Sudan was discussed.
Farther more, this study attempts to uncover socio-economic and political history of Guba in the
post liberation period. The continued rule of Funj line as far as they submitted the required |
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