Industrialization is one of the most expanding human activities that can contribute both fulfilling human needs and disturbing natural environment. Footwear industries are one of those early planted companies, currently reached in advanced technological development and more than 22 billion pairs of shoes are produced worldwide every year. Besides the natural materials footwear industries are using hazardous materials like synthetic fibers, chromium tanned leathers and chemical based adhesives, this creates a large waste stream at the material production and at the end of the functional life of shoes, which are often disposed of in landfills. More of natural materials are safely disposable but those of manmade materials are harmfully affect the natural environment, human and ecosystem. This thesis work assess ecofriendly practices in selected Ethiopian footwear industries and study on ecofriendly shoes material options, design and develop sample shoes including some highly important physical testes. Environmental impacting substance reduction by combining, blending and reinforcing materials is presented. Economic, environmental and social benefits of producing ecofriendly shoes with sample product is provided. Same physical tests like whole shoe flexing, water vapor permeability and sole flexing tests are done on the sample shoes1, shoe2 and on jute latex blended soles the products are fulfilled the requirements of the testing companies.